"A subculture is a group of people with a culture (whether distinct or hidden) which differentiates them from the larger culture to which they belong."
There can be a hundreds of meanings to culture and subculture, everyone has a different perspective to it, but subculture is not often seen for what it really is.
To me subcultures is new, I always stereotyped people its hard to admit it but its true. Punk, goth, emo etc seemed like a stereotype more then subculture. When I started reading about them after our lecture on subcultures where we looked at teddy boys and other British subcultures I understood the meaning of subculture.
Everyone wants to be different and so fall into these subcultures.
When I think back now I belonged to a subculture once Grungers. We wore raggy clothes, ripped jeans and black mostly. In this subculture we listened to angry and angry music and "hung around" with the people who where like us and had the same "emotional" views.
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